Past District Officers’ Organization

Membership in the Past District Officers’ Organization (PDO) is open to any member of a chartered Kiwanis club in the district, who has served as a District Officer in the LaMissTenn District, or who has served as a District Officer in another District of Kiwanis International and has relocated to the LaMissTenn District.


Annual Members:

Oscar Brown

Ralph Carter, III

Craig Caskey

Jim Frederick, Jr.

Edward Gautier

Brian Lake

David Lindsey

Floyd McIntyre

Renee Picheloupe

Tatum Ruiz

Cecil Winn

Lifetime Members:

Eva Abate

Fred Banks

Charles Barfield

Greg Beard

Robert Benoit, Sr.

Bob Blanchard, Jr.

Glenn Borne

Louise Bostic

Carroll Boudreaux

Anthony Boudreaux

Charles Bowman, Jr.

Charles Box

Otha Britton

Nettles Brown

Powell Brown

Barett Byrd

Donna Cafferata

Lauren Call

Kimberly Champagne

Michele Crosby

Stephanie Crow

Richard Currier

Patrice Cusimano

Richard Danielson

John Emling

Joe Enoch

Robert Fairbank, Jr.

Michael Ferrell

Randy Fuerst

Paul Funderburk

Hughes D. “Bill” Gaddis, Jr.

Ray Gafford

Douglas Gehrig

John Gherardi

Clifford Giffin, Jr.

Sid Guedry, Jr.

R. Bruce Hammatt

Marti Harrell

Christian Heinkel

Keith Hillman

Rebecca Huff

Lee Jeter, Sr.

Dan Johnson

Chester Jones

Neil Klock

Carol LaGarde

Lucky Langston

Marcel Lashover

Richard Latiolais

Henry Liles

Joan Malbrough

Melanie Martin

Rev. John McCay, III

Daniel McCormick

Charles McKinnie

Leighton Miller, Jr.

L. Steven Minvielle

Larry Mobley

Mark Mobley

Travis Moore

James H. “Chuck” Morgan, III

Robert Nichols

Karla O’Reilly

Tom Osburn

John William Penny

Fred Peyton

David Pickler

Betty Raglin

Linda Ramsey

Richard Raue

W. Mitchell Redd

Patricia Sasser

Dr. L. King Scott

David Self

Robert Showalter

Cathy Simmons

Lenny Simmons, Jr.

Trent Strasburg

Chuck Strong

Jessie Thomas

Lowell Tilley

Tom Tompkins

Travis Vance, Sr.

Dana Vutera

Danny Walden

Dean Wattigny

Morris Welch

William Wells, Sr.

James A. White, III M.D.
