Hall of Fame

The LaMissTenn District Hall of Fame Program recognizes past and present Kiwanians who have dedicated their lives to Kiwanis and their community in the LaMissTenn District. This distinction identifies Kiwanians who have exemplified the Objects of Kiwanis and made extraordinary contributions to the LaMissTenn District on a club, divisional, regional, and/or district level.


  1. A Kiwanis Club may only nominate one member per year.
  2. Nominees may be living or made in memorial.
  3. Previously inducted nominees may not be nominated again.
  4. Nominees must have been a member of one or more LaMissTenn District Clubs for at least 20 or more years. Memorial nominees are not required to meet criteria.
  5. Nominees must be in good standing with Kiwanis International and the LaMissTenn District.
  6. The primary consideration for selection to the Hall of Fame is the nominee’s dedication to the Objects of Kiwanis and service to their community and Club. 
  7. Nominees must be or have been actively engaged in Kiwanis resulting in a substantial, positive impact on their community and/or LaMissTenn District.
  8. Leadership positions at the club, divisional, regional, and/or district levels are not a requirement.


  • All nomination entries due July 15, 2025.
  • Nominations will be evaluated by the Selection Committee consisting of the Governor, District Service Committee Chair, District Membership Chair, and the Kiwanis International Trustee Counselor to the LaMissTenn District.
  • Annual classes of inductees shall be no more than five (5) Kiwanians. The Selection Committee will only make selections based on merit of the nomination and is not required to make annual selections if nominations are not worthy.
  • Selections, if any, will be announced at the Annual District Convention (DCON) and  receive a certificate and award. 
  • Hall of Fame will be held digitally on the District website.

LaMissTenn District Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Questions regarding the person completing form

Name of Person Completing Form(Required)

Questions regarding the nominee

Name of Nominee(Required)
If unknown, enter UNKNOWN in box.
If unknown, enter UNKNOWN in box.

Why should the nominee be recognized?
