District Project Grant

As a District, LaMissTenn promotes a service project to have a larger collectively impact across our three states. In 2008, the District endorsed placing an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in every school in Louisiana, Mississippi and West Tennessee. In 2024, the District added Operation Park Bench which strives to install branded park benches across the District to the raise awareness of Kiwanis in our local communities. To support these efforts, the Foundation has created a District Project Grant.

Any saves yet using an AED through this Project? 

6 lives saves and counting!

What is an AED?

An Automated External Defibrillator is a small, portable device, attached to a person’s chest with wires, that checks the person’s heart rhythm, decides if that rhythm is “off,” and gives the heart an electric shock (called a defibrillating shock) that restores the correct, natural rhythm. This device is used when someone suffers from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Places where AED programs provide CPR and deliver the first shock within 3 minutes after collapse, reported survival rates as high as 74%.

Why is an AED program important for schools?

Each year, more than 250,000 Americans die of sudden cardiac arrest before they reach a hospital. Consider that only 5% of cardiac arrest victims survive where no AED programs are in place. By placing AEDs in schools, the impact on survival of students, teachers and visitors that may experience cardiac arrest while on the premises is almost 70%.

What is a Zoll AED Plus?

We’ll let Zoll Medical Corp. answer that question – they can answer better than we can. Click here to get information on the Zoll Aed Plus.

How do you order a Zoll AED Plus?

It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3! All orders should be sent to Pam Morgan, AED Coordinator at at (225) 921-6032 or [email protected] with a copy of the school’s Tax Exemption Certificate. Billing will occur after delivery of the AED.

Is training required to use an AED?

Training for on-site responders (faculty and staff) will need to take place before the AED is activated. En-Pro Management can arrange this through the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, usually at a cost of $50 per person. As an alternative, local EMS, fire departments, hospitals, or school nurses may provide certified training at no cost. In addition to that training, it is recommended that responders also become acquainted with the actual unit that will be onsite. 

Still have questions about the AED Project? 

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about automated external defibrillators. Perhaps your question is included here. If not, contact Pam Morgan, District AED Coordinator at (225) 921-6032 or [email protected]

How much will a Zoll AED Plus cost?AED Pricing Information
Where can we get outside funding to assist with this project?Funding Sources
Can the District Foundation provide any assistance?District Foundation AED Grant
How do we order an Zoll AED Plus?Pam Morgan
Can we get an order form for a Zoll AED Plus?Zoll Order Form

State Laws & Liabilty

One of the biggest concerns of local Kiwanians and school administration is the fear of litigation because of the improper usage of an AED. To date there has never been a successful lawsuit filed because of improper usage. Additionally, the legislatures in all three states that comprise the Louisiana, Mississippi-West Tennessee District have laws on the books that govern AED usage and Good Samaritan involvement.

For your convenience, those laws are available to be downloaded:

Overview of State LegislationOverview of Good Samaritan Laws
Louisiana Laws:Louisiana Statute on AEDs
 Louisiana Good Samaritan Law
Mississippi Laws:Mississippi Good Samaritan Law
Tennessee Laws:Tennessee Statute on AEDs
 Tennessee Good Samaritan Law